Make-Up Exams

Make-Up Exams

We offer make-up testing for UNM faculty.  We are available to proctor paper/pencil exams as well as online exams. Students must be referred to the Testing & Training Center by their instructor for make-up testing.  Make-Up exams are by appointment only.


Procedure for Make-Up Exams:

UNM faculty must contact us to check on proctor and test date(s) availability before students can schedule their appointments with us.

UNM faculty will need to fill out the Make-Up Exam Form and send test materials.

Students may schedule their appointments by emailing us at or by calling us at 505-277-5346.

Students should check in with us a day before their scheduled appointment to make sure we have received their test materials.  Otherwise, if they show up and we have not received the test materials we will need to re-schedule their appointment.


On Test Day Students Must:

  • Bring a photo ID for identification
  • Bring any materials their instructor allows them to use on their test (ex. Calculators, notes, etc.)


Test Fees:

There is no fee for make-up exams.


Test Dates:

By Appointment Only.  Students may schedule their appointments after their instructors have contacted us by emailing us at or by calling us at 505-277-5346. 



Exams are not graded by the Testing & Training Center.  Students will need to contact their instructor for grade results.